This pamphlet was published by Robert Franklin Cole in 1937. It is reproduced here in its entirety. It is presented exactly as it was written, except for some small formatting changes necessary for a web page. Some of the information may not be completely correct, some information from the references may have been ommitted in the original publication. When in doubt, check the references provided by R. F. Cole.
Family Notes
_ _ _ _ _
Assembled by
Robert Franklin Cole
Washington, D. C.
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
April 1, 1937
The notes contained herein were collected by the writer while assisting to establish the Woodson-Bramlett connection for a relative who remembered the family tradition that his ancestor, Ambrose Bramlitt, (as the surname is now spelled in his branch of the family), had married Jane Woodson in Virginia. The data here presented is in no wise intended to be exhaustive, but since they are so well authenticated and there has been so little published in connection with this family, it is felt that the reproduction and distribution to a few of the larger libraries may encourage others to make similar contributions from their personal files.
The writer was both surprised and disappointed that so little may be found in print respecting the genealogical history of one distinguished member of the old Virginia family-former Governor Thomas Elliott Bramblette (1817-1875), of Kentucky. It was necessary to search the files of the Louisville Courier Journal, in the archives of the Library of Congress, to learn even the name of his father.
This small pamphlet has not been compiled for sale and all available copies have been given gratis to a few libraries.
Robert F. Cole
Washington, D. C.
April 1, 1937
Jesse 3 or BRAMLITT) Cont'd:
Sally 3 Betty 15
ACKERLY: Buggie 12
Mary Denham 1 Caleb 3
ADAMS: Charles Martin 16
John 1 Corrino 7
Mary (Graham) 5 Caroline 10, 12
Mary E., Mrs. 5 David 15
ADMIRE: Della C. 12
Mr. 4 Edgar E. 12
Honry 4 Edward Turner 15
Robert 2 Eveline 3
Mary 15 Elizabeth 1, 2, 6, 9,10
ANDREWS: Elizabeth P. 15
Martha 9 Elkanah 5
ARMSTRONG: Ella Dale 16
Nevada 16 Emeline 10
ARDERLY: Eugene 7
William, Mrs. 5 Eugene, Dr. 7
BACHELOR: Frances 3
Mary 14 Francis Marion 15
Stephen 14 Gov. 7
BALL: Hayden 6
Simeon 12 Henry 5, 3, 9, 11, 18
BAYLY: Hugh 5
Taver 16 Hughes 8
BOATWRIGHT: Jane 8, 9, 15
Elizabeth 16 Janny 8
BOND: James 1-6, 10
Richard 10 James S. 6, 7
BOYCE: James T. 12
J. P. 7 J. W. 11
BRAMBLETTE (BRAMLETT or Jesse 7, 8 , 9, 15
BRAMLITT): Jesse H. 8, 9
Alford H. 10 Jesse Hughes 7,15
Amanda 15 Jesse Lunsford 15
Ambrose 1-2, 6-7, 14-15 John 8, 9, 10, 11, 15
Ambrose S. 6, 7, 8 John, Rev. 10
Ambrous 8 John Woodson 15
Amhus 1 Leon S. 12
Ann 2, 3, 4 Lewis 5
Anna 2, 10 Lucy 2, 3
Arah B. 12 Lunsford 8
Beaufort 15 Lunsford, Judge 15
Benj 11 Lunsford M. 11
Benjamine 11 Lydda 3
BRAMLITT) Cont'd: David 15
Malinda 10, 12 BUFORD:
Martha 15 Abraham 2
Martha (Cole) 12 Ambrose 2
Mary 9, 10, 15 Frances 2
Mary Ann 8 Henry 2
Meredith 8 James, Capt. 1, 2, 4
Meredith L. 8 James, Jr. 2
Meridy 8 James Sr. 4
Miles 10 John 2
Milley 2 Judith 2
Minnie A. 12 Simeon K. 2
Molly 2 Thomas 2
Nancy 1 William 2
Nathan 11 BURCH:
Nathaniel 6 Charity 2
Owen M. 12 Charity ( Woodson) 14
Pacia 10 John 1, 2, 14
Peggy 5 BURNS:
Rebea 3 Rebecca 12
Reuben 3, 4, 10, 11 BUTLER:
Reuben Jr., 5 Mary Elizabeth 15
Richard Clarke 16 CALLAWAY:
Robert 9, 10 Francis 1
Ru. 9 Leviny 9
Sallie 7 William 1
Sally 3, 8 CAFFEE:
Sampson 10 Thomas 15
Samuel B. 12 CAFFERY:
Sarah 3, 6, 10, 12 Charles 3
Stephen 9 CHILDRESS:
Susan 3 Benj. 1
Thomas 15 CHRISMAN:
Thomas Ambrose 15 Hugh 5
Thomas E. 6, 7 CLARK:
Thomas E., Gov. 5, 7 Dicey 10
Thomas Elliott 7 CLEMENS:
Wm. 2 M. 11, 12
William 1, COKER:
2-6, 8, 9, 10, 12 Mary Ann 10
William, Judge 7 COLE:
William A. 12 Armstead B. 12
William Henry 3 Robert Franklin 13
William L. 6, 7 Samuel 12
W. L. 12 Thomas J. 12
Wiley 12 William T. 12
Winnifred 1 COOK:
BROMLET: Eleanor 16
Gov. 5
Sophia Woodcraft 15 B. F. Capt. 9
G. G. 9 Lydia 8
Grace G. 8 KERR:
DEAN: David 8
Gertrude Emma 16 KNIGHT:
DEARING: Lucian L. 9
Mildred 3 LAWRENCE:
DENNIS: Clayborn 8
Earle S. 1, 2, 3 LUMPKIN:
DOOLY: Thomas 2, 3
Stephen 2 MABRY:
DOWNING: Dale, Capt. 16
John 2 Eloise 16
DUNCAN: George 16
Sarah F. 12 Gideon Eldon 16
DUREN: Jesse Hughes 16
Susannah W. 12 John Bramlitt 16
FAIR: Kate 16
Edmund 4 Mattie 16
FERRIS: Milton Harvey, Judge 16
Elizabeth 13 Milton Harvey, Jr. 16
John 15 Thomas 15
Virginia 16 Jesse 5
Letitia 15 Mildred Buford 2
Thomas 15 Annie 15
Mary 15 Jas. 8
William 2 Will 5
Nathaniel 9 Agnes 15
C. C. 5 Sarah 12
Christopher Columbus 5 MURRY:
GRINSTEAD: Elizabeth 14
HANCOCK: Candice 15
John 2 NAPIER:
HARVEY: Frances 13
John, Sir 13 NENNY:
HOWARD: Theodeshus 8
Mary A. 12 PAYNE:
Mary M. 12 PICKETT:
HUGHES: Martin: 5
Elizabeth 14 PIERCE:
Stephen 14 William 14
John 13 Nancy 15
David 15 Eliza H. 3
Sarah Caroline 16 TRAVIS:
QUINN: Sallie 5
John 3 TUCKER:
RAY: Jane 13
Robert 9 Mary 13
RILEY: Samuel 13
Edward 5 TURNER:
ROBERTSON: Elizabeth 15
Milly 11 Robert, Dr. 15
Polly 5 TYLER:
Willy 5 Lyon G. 3
Mabel 16 Mary 3
Robert 3 Easter 7
SANBURNE: Esther 15
Daniel 14 WHITE:
John 14 Jane 9
SARTIN: Nancy 15
SCOTT: Mr. 4
Elizabeth 14 Phillip 4
William 2 Samuel M. 4
Thomas 2 WOOD:
SHORES: James 4
Charles 4 Olive C. 12
Jacob 8 Benjamin 13
Sarah 9 Charity 1, 14
SHREEVE: Elizabeth 14
William 5 Hughes 14
John 2 Jean 1, 2
Milly 3 John 13, 14
Nathaniel 3 John, Dr. 13
Saml 2 Joseph 14
SMITH: Lucy 14
Jane E. 1, 2, 3 Mary 14
SOUTHALL: Mary Ann 14
Mr. 4 Mary Jane 14
SPRATLIN: Mary Tucker 13, 14
James 8 Robert 13
STAPLES: Sanburne 1, 14
Charles R. 4 Sarah 14
SUTTON: Samuel Tucker 13
Teresa 5 Tucker 14
TATE: Charles 2 YARDLEY: George, Sir 13
L. E. 11 YOUNG: Minor 5
(Assembled by Robert Franklin Cole. Washington, D. C.)
Note. "William Bramblett was one of the oldest settlers in Bedford County, Va., and a sergeant in the Colonial Army (See Hennings' Statutes),"
-----page 208, "Our Kin." By Mary Denham Ackerly.
1756. "Cumberland County Marriage Bonds. John Burch and Charity Woodson*, widow, married August 26, 1756. Security John Burch and Benj. Childress."
-----7 W(2)289.
*Charity Woodson was the widow of Sanburne Woodson. Sanburn Woodson's daughter, Jean Woodson, married Ambrose Bramblett.
1757. "At a court held in the Courthouse in Bedford County, Va., March 29, 1757. Lot No. 28 of one-half acre sold to Ambrose Bramblett in the town of New London."
1758. "Sept. 1758. To the militia of the County of Bedford (VA.) and Provisions furnished by Sundry Inhabitants of the said County, Viz.:
To Amhus Bramlett -------- 7H205
To Ambrose Bramlett, Sergeant -------- 7H209
To William Bramlitt -------- 7H209
To Ambrose Bramlett, Ensign -------- 7H209
To James Bromlet -------- 7H210
-------Hennings' Statutes.
1758. Bedford County, VA., Wills and Administrations shows: Bramlett, James 1758 w.
-------"Torrence's Virginia Wills and Administrations."
1758. James Bramlett made his will in Bedford County, VA. Dated July 14, 1758; probated Nov. 27, 1758. Mentions sister, Nancy Bramlett; wife, Winnifred Bramlett. Witnesses: Wm. Callaway, Frances Callaway and John Adams.
-------Deed Book "A", page 187, Bedford County, VA
1761. "Capt. James Buford (1740-post 1798) married, 1761, in Bedford County, VA., to Elizabeth Bramblett, dau. Of William Bramblett,
------Virkus. Vol. 5, Page 475.
"Elizabeth Bramblet married James Buford, July 14, 1761, Francis Callaway, Surety. Consent of said Betty."
------Page 7, Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, VA, by Earl S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
"Capt. James Buford married Elizabeth Bramblett, July 14, 1761, of Bedford County, VA.
John Buford b. 1764
William Buford m. 1783
James Buford, Jr.
Abraham Buford b. Apr. 13, 1772
Ambrose Buford Went to Kentucky
Simeon K. Buford
Henry Buford Went to Kentucky
Judith Buford m. 1787, Thomas Scruggs
Elizabeth Buford m. 1774, William Scruggs
Frances Buford m. Thomas Buford."
-------The Buford Family in America, by Mildred Buford Winter, 1924.
1768. "Ambrose Bramlett married Jean Woodson, daughter * of John and Charity Burch, Nov. 25, 1768. Abstract from Pittsylvania County, VA Marriage Bonds."
1777. William Bramblett, Baptist preacher, shown on Sept. 22, 1777, on a list of ministers of the gospel who were authorized by Bedford County, VA., Court between 1754 and 1829.
1778. "Lucy Bramblett married Thomas Lumpkin, March 4, 1778. Robert Alexander, Surety."
-------page 40, Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, VA. 1775-1800. By Earle S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1779. Bedford County, VA Wills and Administrations show Wm. Bramlett, 1779 w.
-------"Torrence's Virginia Wills and Administrations".
1779. William Bramlett made his will in Bedford County, VA. Dated February 26, 1779; probated Sept 27, 1779. Mentions wife. Anna; son James; and refers to "each of my children as they shall come of age." Witnesses, Saml. Shrewsbeery; Charles Tate, and John Shrewsberry. Executors, William Callaway and William Buford.
------Will Book "A", page 351, Bedford County, VA.
1781. "Molly Bramblett married Stephen Dooly, July 24, 1781. John Downing, Surety."
-------page 19, Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1787. "Milley Bramblett married John Hancock, September 1, 1787. James Bramblett, Surety. Consent, Ann Bramblett, mother of Milley."
-----page 32, Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1789. James Bramblett married Milly Shrewsberry, December 9, 1789. Charles Caffery, Surety. Consent of Nathaniel Shrewsberry, father of Milly."
-----page 4, Marriage of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1790. "Reuben Bramblett married Sally Abston, December 7, 1790. Jesse Abston, Surety."
-----page 6, Marriage of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
"Lydda Bramblett married John Quinn, March 10, 1790. Robert Rowland, Surety. Consent of Ann Bramblett, mother of Lydda."
-----page 56, Marriage of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S.Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1796. "Lucy Bramblett married Patrick Nenny, June 20, 1796. William Bramblett, surety. Consent of Ann Bramlbett, mother of Lucy."
-----page 49, Marriage of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S.Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1798. "Ann Bramlbett married Thomas Lumpkin, October 25, 1798, William Bramblett, Surety."
-----page 40, Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, VA. 1755-1800. By Earle S. Dennis and Jane E. Smith.
1829. William Henry Bramblitt, born Jan 29, 1829 at Liberty, Bedford Co., VA. Son of Elkanah Bramblitt and Mildred Dearing. He commenced to practice medicine in Jonesboro, NC in 1857. Surgeon in the 63rd VA. infantry, C. S. A. He married (1st) May 22, 1864, Eliza H. Thomas ; (2nd) Feb 21, 1872, Mary Watson, of Pulaski Co., VA; and (3rd) February 15, 1906, Cora Hazelgrove of Cumberland County, VA. he lived at Pulaski, VA., and had no living children in 1907.
------page 40, Vol.2, "Men of Mark in VA. by Lyon G. Tyler.
1850. In the U. S. Census returns for Bedford County, VA., for 1850, the following names are shown:
Bramblet, Caleb Age 43, Born VA
Frances 26 "
Eveline 7 "
Rehea (f) 1 "
Sally 74 "
Bramlet, Sarah Age 56, Born VA
Susan 19 "
1779. "Stations mentioned in the records of certificates issued by the Land Court. (Note: The
eight terms of the land Court were held from October 13, 1779 to April 26, 1780.) Item 8 Bramblett's Station, on a branch of Stoner's Fork, a branch of Licking. Settled by William Bramblett."
------page 60, The First Land Courts of Kentucky, 1779-1780. By Samuel M. Wilson.
1789. "Extracts from History in Circuit Court Records, Fayette County, KY. Abstracted by Charles R. Staples. Fayette Circuit Court, Saturday Oct. 1, 1803. Charles Shores Vs. James Buford. Petition recites---
------page 109. That sometime in year 1789 your orator purchased of one Reuben
Bramblett tract of land lying on Kentucky River in Fayette County adjoining Williams and Southhall and Admires claims judged to be 100 acres and obtained from said Bramblett, with William Hayes as security…….
------page 113. Separate answer of James Buford saith: That sometime in year 1789
this defendant purchased a certain tract of land of James Bramblet of Bedford Co., VA …. The said James Bramblett informed the defendant that he had told his brother Reuben who was then in KY to sell a part or all of the land….This defendant told the said James Bramblet that he would not concern with purchase until the said James wrote to his brother, who was in this county, and if said Reuben had not sold any part of the land, this defendant would purchase said land, which contained 716 acres patented in name of James Bramblett……Sworn to before James Wood, Justice, Fayette County, October 5, 1799.
------page 120. Deposition of Edmund Fair before Henry Payne, Justice, Fayette County, September 12, 1803. Deposes: That James Buford Sr. , upward of eight years ago informed me that Ann Bramblett had told the said Buford, that if he would settle with the man that her son Reuben Bramblett had sold land to, which was part of a tract of land belonging to his brother, James Bramblett, that she, the said Ann, would let him, the said Buford, have land in some other place in Kentucky.
1790. ----page 125. Exhibit. Deed made this ______day of ______1790, James Bramblett of Bedford County of Virginia to Charles Shores of Fayette County state of Kentucky, a certain tract of land in Fayette County, on Kentucky River, being part of a Treasury Warrant patent of seven hundred and sixteen acres granted to James Bramblett, next to Henry Admire and Phillip Williams.
1793. Endorsed on back of deed: I do hereby refuse to make within deed as Reuben says it was not to exceed 80 acres, but
- 5 -
whatever Reuben's bond is for I will comply with and you are to have the same quantity out of my father's land when saved.
September 25, 1793. James Bramblett.
1804. ---Page 131. Verdict for complainant and Court appointed William Shreve, Hugh Chrisman, Minor Young, and Jesse Martin to lay off 100 acres of land, etc., which was done on the 3rd day of September, 1804."
---pages 341 to 347, Vol. 28, Register of Kentucky State Historical Soc.
1806. "Bourbon County, KY. Will Abstracts. Will of Reuben Bramblett, Jr. Those mentioned, Wife, Peggy; son-in-law, John Grinstead; son, Hugh; three children in South Carolina, Reuben Jr., Willy Robertson and Polly Robertson; son, William; son Lewis, land I claimed from heirs of Martin Pickett, deceased; son Henry. Written December 10, 1806. Prove January 1807. Executors, John Grinstead, Henry and Hugh Bramblett. Witnesses, Will Mitchell, Edward Riley, and Reuben Bramblett, Jr.
See Will Book "C" page 198, Bourbon County, KY. pp Page 22, Kentucky Records, by Mrs. William B. Ardery.
1817. "Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette, of Kentucky, born and raised in Clinton County, Kentucky."
---page 144, Collins History of Kentucky.
"Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette, of Kentucky, was born in Cumberland County, Ky., January 3, 1817. Admitted to the Bar, 1837; elected to legislature from Cumberland
and Clinton counties. Appointed, 1848, commonwealth's attorney by Gov. Crittenden; in 1856, elected Judge of the 6th Judicial District; selected Colonel of the 3rd Ky. Infantry in Civil War. Elected Governor of Ky. in 1863 and served to September 1867. Later settled in Louisville, Ky., where he died January 12, 1875.
---Page 387, Collins History of Ky.
"Thomas E. Bramlette, 23rd Governor of Kentucky, 1863-1867; moved in 1867 to Louisville, Ky.……Married, 1st, September 1837, to Sallie Travis. Married 2nd, June 3, 1874, to Mrs. Mary E. Adams, daughter of C. C. Graham, of Louisville, Ky.. He died Louisville, Jan 12, 1875."
---Page 9, National Encyclopedia of American Biography.
Note. "Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette……..had a son and daughter by his first marriage survive him."
----Page 480, Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky.
Note. "Ex-Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette, of Kentucky, married Mary (Graham) Adams, daughter of Dr. Christopher Columbus Graham (1785-1885) and his wife Teresa Sutton."
---Page 72, Vol. 7. Filson Club History Quarterly.
- 6-
1820. In the U. S. Census returns for Cumberland County, Ky., for the year 1820, the following names
are shown:
p. 20. Ambrose Bramlet
2 males under 10; 1 male 26-45; 1 female 26-45
p. 20 Nathaniel Bramlet
1 male under 10; 1 male 26-45; 1 female 26-45
1832. "Ambrose S. Bramlette, member House of Representatives, 1832 Cumberland County, Ky."
---Page 774, Collins History of Kentucky
1833. "Ambrose S. Bramlette, member of Senate, 1833-37; 1845-48, from Cumberland County, Ky."
---- Page 774, Collins History of Kentucky
1833. "James Bramblett, private and corporal, Virginia Militia, placed on Pension Rolls, May 11, 1833, Aged 70. Breckenridge County, Ky."
-----Report of the Secretary of War, 1835. Page 76
1835. "James Bramblett, Revolutionary soldier of Va. S. of W. 1835. Ky. 76."
---Page 42, Vol. 2, Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia .
1840. "Revolutionary soldiers living in Kentucky in the census of 1840. James Bramblette, aged 78, in 1840. Living in Breckenridge County, Ky."
---Page 6, Vol. 1, Collins History of Kentucky.
1841. "Thomas E. Bramlette, member House of Representatives, 1841, from Clinton County, Ky. Later Gov. of Kentucky."
---Page 774, Collins History of Kentucky.
1845. "Ambrose S. Bramlette, member of the Senate, 1845-48, from Cumberland Co., Ky."
-----page 774, Collins History of Kentucky.
1850. In the U. S. Census returns for Clinton County, Ky., for 1850, the following names are shown: Bramlett, Ambrose S. Age 60, Born Va. (Farmer)
Sarah " 54 "
William " 22 " Ky.
Hayden " 19 " "
Bramlett, Thomas E. Age 33, Born Ky. (Lawyer)
Sarah " 30 " Tenn.
James S. " 11 " Ky.
William L. " 9 " "
1870. In the U. S. Census returns for Louisville City, Ky., for 1870, the following names are shown: Bramlette, Thomas E. Age 53, Born Ky. (Lawyer)
Sallie " 52 " Tenn.
James S. " 30 " KY (Lawyer)
William L. " 28 " " (Physician)
Eugene " 18 " " (Medical Student)
Corrine " 15 " "
1875. Ex-Governor Thomas E, Bramlette died January 12, 1875, in Louisville, Ky. Among the mourners at his funeral were his aged and feeble mother, who is now in her 80th year. Dr. Eugene Bramlette, son of the Governor, who is living in Honey Grove, Tex., was advised and will arrive Friday. Gov. Bramlette was born in Columbia Co., Ky., 58 years ago.
----"Louisville Courier Journal" Jan 13, 1875.
In a resolution passed by the members of the bar it is stated, "Whereas death has removed from our midst Gov. Thomas E. Bramlette………His father, Ambrose S. Bramlette came from Virginia to Kentucky at the age of 12, married and settled in Clinton County representing that and Cumberland County in the lower house, and then served as senator from that district. On the 3rd of January, 1817, in Clinton County, Ky., Thomas Elliott Bramlette was born…..
---"Louisville Courier Journal." Jan. 16, 1875
"The funeral of Gov. Bramlette at Walnut Street Baptist church yesterday afternoon was attended by a large concourse of people and the services were conducted by Rev. J. P. Boyce…..He was buried at Cave Hill Cemetery…..Judge William Bramlette of Paris, Texas, a brother of the deceased, and Dr. Eugene Bramlette, his son from Honey Grove Tex., arrived last evening but to late to attend the funeral."
-------"Louisville Courier Journal." Jan. 16, 1875
1774. "Jesse Hughes Bramlitt, son of Ambrose Bramblett, born November 27, 1774, in North Carolina."
----Family history given by Dr. E. T. Bramlitt, of Malvern, Ark.
1790. "Census of Salisbury District, Surry County, North Carolina, shows Ambrose Bramblet as head of family, enumerated as follows: 1 white male over 16; 4 white males under 16; 3 white females."
----U. S. Census of North Carolina, 1790.
1800. "Jesse Bramblett married Easter Welborn, March 8, 1800."
---Page 329, Vol. 1, Early Records of Wilkes County, Ga. By Davidson
- 8 -
1803. "Land lotteries of 1803, Wilkes County, Ga. Drawings:
John Bramblet……….1 draw
Hughes Bramblett…..1 draw
Ambrous Bramblett….2 draws
Jesse Bramlett………..2 draws
----Page 311, Vol. Early Records of Ga. Wilkes County, by Davidson.
1803. "Will of Ambrose Bramblett. Dated November 13, 1803. Probated March 5, 1804.
To wife, Janny, home place, slaves, stock, etc.; Residue to all my children: Jesse, William, Hughes, John, Lunsford Meridy Bramblett, Thodeshus Netherland, Lydia Jones, Sally, Mary Ann and Elizabeth Bramblett. Wife Janny and son Jesse executors. David Kerr, James Spratlin, Clayborn Lawrence, Test. (Wife called Jane in returns). Will book "GG" page 58, 1806-1808."
---Page 72, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes County, by Grace G. Davidson.
1804. "Jane Bramblett appointed guardian of Mary Ann, William and Elizabeth Bramblett, orphans of Ambrose Bramblett, dec'd. Jesse Bramblett appointed guardian of Meredith Bramblett orphan of above. March 5, 1804."
---Page 159 Vol. Early Records of Ga. Wilkes County, by Grace G. Davidson.
1805. "Petition of Jane Bramblett, admx. and Jesse H. Bramblett, admr. of Ambrose Bramblett, ded'd. to sell 150 acres on Clark's Creek, March 5, 1805."
---Page 176, Vol. Early Records of Ga. Wilkes County, by Grace G. Davidson.
1805. "Petition of Jane and Jesse H. Bramblett, Admrs. Of Ambrous Bramblett, dec'd. to sell 100 acres on Clark's Creek. March 5, 1805."
-----Page 147, Vol. Early Records of Ga., Wilkes Co. by Grace G. Davidson.
1805. "Jane Bramblett, gdn. of Wm., Mary Ann and Elizabeth Bramblett, orphans of Ambrose Bramblett, dec'd. Returns show board for 1804 -1807. Returns of Jesse H. Bramblett, admr. for 1805-1806 show paid Lydia Jones and Meredith L. Bramblett, and paid for grant of land
drawn by Ambrose Bramblett, dec'd. Receipt of Jacob Shorter, John and Lunsford Bramblett for their legacies in full. Receipt of Eliza Bramblett for merchandise paid for as part of her legacy, 1811 to John Bramblett for Jas. Mitchell in 1813, and in 1815 from Jas. Mitchell
himself in right of his wife and her legacy."
-----Page 200, Vol. 2, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes County. By Davidson.
1807. "Headrights and Bounty Warrants. Sept. 7, 1807, Henry Bramblett self and eight in family."
-----Page 228. Historical Collections of Georgia.
1808. "Headrights and Bounty Warrants. March 7, 1808, Robert Bramblett self and four in family."
----Page 229. Historical Collection of Georgia.
1817. "Petition of Jesse H. Bramblett, guardian of William Bramblett, to sell real estate. Sept. 1817. "
----Page 196, Early Reocrds of Wilkes Co. by Davidson
1808. "Lunsford M. Bramblett, appointed admr, of estate of Nathaniel Gordon, dec'd." February 1, 1808.
-----Page 163, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes County. By Grace G. Davidson.
1808. "April 1, 1808. Ru. Bramblett, 300 acres from Mar. 1808, as shown in Land Court Records of Elbert County, Ga."
----Page 229, Vol. 3, Historical Collections of Ga.
1809. "August 9, 1809, Letter of guardianship issued to Jane White, formerly Jane Bramblett, revoked and that Jesse Bramblett be appt. guardian of said orphans.
----Page 153. Early Records of Georgia, Wilkes Co. by Davidson.
1811. "John Bramblett married Leviny Callaway, December 20, 1811."
----Page 327, Vol. 1, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes Co. by Davidson.
1813. "Jesse Bramblett guardian of William Bramlett 'by your legacy in part' Return for 1813."
----Page 227, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes Co. by Davidson.
1814. "William Bramblett account to Jesse H. Bramblett, guardian for 1814 and 1815."
----Page 228, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes Co. by G. G. Davidson.
1817. "John Bramblett executor will of Sarah Shorter, probated Jan. 7, 1817."
----Page 99, Early Records of Ga. Wilkes Co. by G. G. Davidson.
1818. "Mary Bramblett married Robert Ray, February 1, 1818. Franklin Co., Ga."
----Page 194, Vol. 1, Historical Collections of Ga.
1818. "Stephen Bramblett married Martha Andrews, September 22, 1818, in Franklin County, Ga."
-----Page 195, Vol. 1, Historical Collections of Ga.
1827. "Certified List of Revolutionary soldiers compiled by Capt. B. F. Johnson from Lottery List of 1827, shows Henry Bramblett, Elbert Co. Ga."
----Page 345, Georgia's Roster of the Revolution. By Lucian L. Knight.
1832. "Gold Lottery of 1832 shows Elizabeth Bramblett, 1 draw, and Levi Bramblett, 1 draw."
----Page 261, Historical Collections of Ga.
1832. "John Sartin married Mary Ann Coker, January 29, 1832. Shows John Bramblett, M. G. in Franklin County, Ga."
----Page 211, Vol. 1, Historical Collections of Ga.
1832. "John Bramblett married Dicey Clark, March 8, 1832, in Franklin Co., Ga."
----Page____, Vol. 1, Historical Collections of Ga.
1832. "Declarations of Revolutionary Soldiers, under Act of 1832, in Minutes of Franklin County, Ga., Court, 1829-1844: Shows, Richard Bond, soldier, testified to by Rev. John Bramblett. Also, shows William Cheek, soldier, testified to by Rev. John Bramblett.
----Pages 138 and 140, Vol.1, Historical Collections of Ga.
1837. "Alford H. Bramlett, born 1837, died 1899, buried in Town Cemetery at Forsyth, Ga."
----Page 380, Vol. 2, Georgia Landmarks. By Knight.
1840. "Revolutionary soldiers drawing pensions in Georgia in 1840, shown Reuben Bramblitt, of Gwinett County, Ga. Age 75."
----Page 450, Georgia's Roster of Revolutionary War. By L. L. Knight (1920).
Note. "The Harvey List of Revolutionary soldiers in Ga. Shows the name of Reuben Bramblett."
-----Page 408, Georgia's Roster of Revolutionary War. By Knight.
1860. Census of Pickens County, Georgia, for the year of 1860, shows, /417/ Miles Bramlet, born Va. 1810.
Anna " Ga. 1816
Sarah " " 1841
Pacia " " 1843
Malinda " " 1845
Sampson " " 1848
William " " 1849
James " " 1855
/823/ James Bramlet, born Ga. 1835
Mary " " 1831
Emeline " " 1852
Robert " " 1854
Caroline " " 1856
Elizabeth " " 1858
----Census Returns of Pickens Co. Ga. 1860. Pages 144 and 194.
1862. "Muster Roll of Pickens Co., Ga., as of March 4, 1862, shows the name of J. W. Bramlett.
----Page 228, History of Pickens Co., Ga. By L. E. Tate.
1810. "The third circuit court of Giles County, Tenn, was held in June 1810. The first courts of the county were attended by a large number of attorneys from other counties, among them were Lunsford M. Bramlette."
----Page 27, Early History of Giles County, Tenn. By James McCallum (1876).
"The following inhabitants of Pulaski County, Tenn. Designated as Heads of Families, in 1820, shows among others Lunsford M. Bramlette."
----Page 27, Early History of Giles County, Tenn. By James McCallum (1876).
1818. "Census of Gallatin Co., Ill., 1818, shows among others the following: (389) Bramblett, John; (382) Brammlett, Benj; (381) Bramlett, Henry."
----Pages 233 and 234, Vol. 24, Illinois Historical Collection.
1820. "Census of Gallatin Co. Ill., 1820, shows among other the following:
(406) Bramlett, Benjamine page 85,
2 white males 21 and upward,
3 all other whites.
(413) Bramlett, Reuben page 85,
1 white male 21 and upward,
3 all other white.
(414) Bramlett, Nathan page 86
1 white male 21 and upward,
1 all other whites.
(415) Bramlett, Henry page 86
-----Vol. 26, Illinois Historical Collection
1835. "Revolutionary Soldiers in Gallitin County, Ill., shows the name of Reuben Bramblett, VA Cont'l., placed on roll Apr. 6, 1833; Age 76."
----Page 13, Report of the Secretary of War, 1835.
1835. "Virginians in the Revolutionary War. Reuben Bramblet, Report Sec. of War, 1835. Pension 3. Illinois 13."
----Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, Vol. 2, page 42.
1842. "Reuben Bramlet married Milly Robertson, November 8, 1842, in Laurens Co. South Carolina."
----Page 41, North and South Carolina Marriage Records by M. Clemens.
1847. "Henry Bramlet married Rebecca Burns, November 2, 1847, in Laurens County, South Carolina."
----Page 41, North & South Carolina Marriage Records by M. Clemens.
1866. "Malinda Bramlet married Simeon Ball, July 24, 1866, in Laurens County, South Carolina."
-----Page 41, North & South Carolina Marriage Records by M. Clemens.
1851. Wiley Bramblette married Mary A. Howard, both of Georgia. He moved to Izard Co. Ark., in 1856 and died there in 1861. This couple had five sons and three daughters, one being: W. L. Bramblette, b. Murray Co., Ga., July 8, 1851, married May 27, 1877, Sarah Mosier, of Arkansas. They had issue: 1. Owen M. Bramblette
2. Minnie A. Bramblette
3. Arah B. Bramblette
4. Buggie Bramblette
5. Della C. Bramblette
-----Biography and History of North Eastern Arkansas, p. 932. By Goodspeed.
1870. In the U. S. Census returns for Lamar County, Tex., for 1870, the following name is shown: William Bramlette age 43, born Ky.
Caroline " 34 " Tenn.
James T. " 16 " Ky.
Sarah " 18 " "
William A. " 15 " "
Samuel B. " 12 " Tex.
Edgar E. " 9 " "
Leon S. " 7 " "
1862. Samuel Cole made his will in Angelina County, Texas. Dated November 4, 1861; probated January 27, 1862. Mentions, Dau. Olive C. Wood; Dau. Mary M. Hudiburg; Dau. Susan W. Duren; Son, William T. Cole; Son, Thomas J. Cole; Son, Armstead B. Cole; Dau. Sarah F. Duncan (deceased) her heirs; Dau. Martha S. Bramlitt (deceased) her heirs.
-----Book "A" Record of Wills, pp 9 and 10. Angelina Co. Tex.
The Woodson Bramlitt Connections, Prepared by
Robert Franklin Cole , Washington, D. C. ,
November 9, 1936
I. Dr. JOHN WOODSON, the immigrant and his wife came from Dorsetshire,
England to Virginia in the ship "George", which left England Janurary 29,
1619, bearing the new Governor, Sir George Yardley, and about one hundred
passengers. The ship brought the orders of the company for a free
government in Virginia. (See Hotten's "Emigrants to America" and Brown's "First
Republic".) Dr. Woodson was surgeon to a company of British Soldiers. He settled at "Fleur de Hundred" in 1625 where probably their two sons John and Robert
were born. (See Americans of Gentle Birth and their ancestors".)
1. John Woodson b. ca. 1632. (see below)
2. Robert Woodson b. ca. 1634 m. Elizabeth Ferris, d. aft 1707
II. JOHN WOODSON, born about 1632 at Fleur de Hundred or as it is sometimes
called, Piersey's Hundred, a plantation on the south side of the James River,
in what is now Prince George Co., VA. With the exception of his remarkable
preservation from the Indians during the massacre on the 18th of April, 1644,
(John and his younger brother Robert were saved by being thrust into a pit
made for the purpose of keeping potatoes; from which circumstance their
descendants for several generations bore the sobriquet of "Potato Hole
Woodsons".), nothing is known of him until 1679 when (see Vol XI W & M) he is
enumerated among the "tithables" at Curles, a plantation on the northside of
the James River, above Fleur de Hundred.
He was married probably about 1654 but the name of his wife has not been
handed down to us. He died September 1684. On August 20, 1684, he made his
will which was proved Oct. 1, 1684. In it he mentions his wife without
giving her name, and two sons John and Robert.
1. John Woodson b. ca 1653. (see below)
2. Robert Woodson b. ca. 1657, d.____? m.____and left issue.
III. JOHN WOODSON, born about 1655 at Curles, which place later became noted
as the seat of the Randolph Family, in Henrico, Co., VA. was married about
1677 to Mary Tucker, daughter of Samuel Tucker (Master of the Ship Vine Tree)
and his wife, Jane. After the death of Samuel Tucker, his widow, Jane
Tucker, married John Pleasants, of Curles, in Henrico Co., VA. John Woodson
died in 1700. He made his will May 1, 1700 and his widow, Mary Tucker
Woodson, made her will in 1710. In both wills the names of their four
children are mentioned.
1. Joseph Woodson, b. ca. 1680. (See below)
2. Samuel Tuker Woodson, b. ca. 1682, d. 1718, married and died without issue.
3. Benjamin Woodson, 1684, d. 1778, m. Francis Napier.
4. Mary Jane Woodson, b. ca. 1686, m. Joseph Woodson, her 2nd cousin.
Joseph Woodson, born about 1680 at "Curles" in Henrico Co. Va. He was married three times, 1st in Nov. 1706, to Mary Sanburne, a lady of noble English parentage, daughter of Daniel Sanburne, and grandaughter of John Sanburne and Mary Bachelor who was a daughter of Stephen Bachelor (See "Americans of Gentle Birth" Vol. 1, page 342). She lived only a short time and died, leaving her husband and one child, Sanburne Woodson. Joseph Woodson married, 2nd Elizabeth Scott, who also died early survived by her husband and one child. He married 3rd Elizabeth Murry. Joseph Woodson's mother, Mary (Tucker) Woodson died in 1710. In her will, proved in Henrico Co. Va., Aug. 1, 1710, she names, "My grandson, Sanburne, child of Mary Sanburne, wife of my son Joseph Woodson". Issue: By 1st wife, Mary Sanburne:
1. Sanburne Woodson (see below)
By 2nd wife, Elizabeth Scott:
2. Mary Woodson, m. William Pierce and left issue.
By 3rd wife, Elizabeth Murry
3. John Woodson
4. Lucy Woodson, died young
5. Joseph Woodson, d. before 1757
6. Tucker Woodson, d. young
7. Elizabeth Woodson.
Sanburne Woodson, born about 1707 in Henrico Co., VA. His grandmother, Mary (Tucker) Woodson, in her will, proved Aug.1, 1710. In Henrico Co. names "My grandson Sanburne, child of Mary (Sanburne) wife of my son Joseph Woodson". When a young man he went to live in Cumberland Co. Va. and was then married about 1728 to Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of Stephen Hughes. After the death of his wife Elizabeth Hughes, he was married, 2nd to Charity _____. He died in 1756 at his home in Cumberland County where his will was recorded June 28, 1756, and names his wife, Charity and five children, but does not show whether these children were by the first or second wife. Issue: 1. Hughes Woodson, b. 1730, m. 1751 to _________; d. 1810,
2. Sarah Woodson,
3. Jane Woodson, ----- (See Below)
4. Jesse Woodson,
5. Mary Ann Woodson.
Ambrose Bramlitt, a Virginian, early settler of Bedford County, Va., married November 25, 1768, Jane Woodson, daughter of Sanburne Woodson and Elizabeth Hughes of Cumberland Co., Va., stepdaughter of John Burch and his wife Charity Woodson Burch of Pittsylvania Co. Va.
Ambrose Bramlitt moved to North Carolina before 1774. Issue, incomplete: 1. Jesse Hughes Bramlitt, b. 11-27-1774; -----(see below)
m. 1800, Esther Welborn (his cousin)
2. Judge Lunsford Bramlitt, who moved to Tenn.
3. John Bramlitt, m. 1810, Mary Galloway
Jesse Hughes Bramlitt, was born November 27,1774, in North Carolina. He married March 25, 1800, his cousin Esther Welborn, in Wilkes County, Ga. Esther Welborn was born in South Carolina. They moved to Tuscaloosa County, Ala., in 1817. Issue: 1. John Woodson Bramlitt, b. 11-27-1801;………………..(See Below)
m. 1828, Nancy Taylor;
m. 1854, (2nd) Elizabeth Turner.
2. Martha Bramlitt, b. 11-15-1803
m. 1822, David Buck.
3. Beaufort Bramlitt, b. 1807;
m. 1836, Nancy Wilbanks
4. Mary Bramlitt, b. July 1809
m. ____, Thomas Mallory
5. Elizabeth P. Bramlitt, b 7-17-1812; d. 4-29-1873;
m. 1832, David Prude
6. Francis Marion Bramlitt, b. May 1814
m. Letitia Fortson.
7. Amanda Bramlitt, b. 1818;
m. 1834, Thomas Caffee
8. Jesse Lunsford Bramlitt, b. 1-21-1821;
m. 1848, Mary Anderson
9. Thomas Ambrose Bramlitt, b. 11-12-1824;
m. 12-23-1853, Candace McIntosh.
John Woodson Bramlitt, was born November 27, 1801, in Wilkes County, Ga.; died 1868 at Okalona, Miss. He married, 1st, 1828, Nancy Taylor; he married 2nd, Elizabeth Turner, born in Smith County, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1821, and died in Florida in 1899; she was the daughter of Dr. Robert Turner (1794-1856) and Sophia Woodcraft Dale (1805-1884).
Issue: (By 1st wife):
1. Jane Bramlitt, b. about 1830; m. Thomas Freeman
2. David Bramlitt, (A bachelor).
3. Jesse Bramlitt, (A bachelor).
4. William Bramlitt, (A bachelor).
5. Betty Bramlitt, b. about 1845; m. John Fitzpatrick,
of Winchester, Tenn.
6. Thomas Bramlitt, b. about 1847; m. Annie Miller. (By 2nd wife):
7. Edward Turner Bramlitt, b. 12-4-1854;
m. 1886, 1st, Agnes Moore;
m. 1896, 2nd, Mary Elizabeth Butler.
8. Ella Dale Bramlitt, b. 3-28-1856; d. 1904; ---------(See Below)
m. 1876, Judge Milton Harvey Mabry.
9. Charles Martin Bramlitt, b. 12-17-1857;
m. Nevada Armstrong.
10. Richard Clarke Bramlitt, b. 2-21-1860;
m. Virginia Forest.
Ella Dale Bramlitt, b. March 28, 1856, in Pontotoc County, Miss. Died March 1904, at Dade City, Fla. She married, December 1876, Judge Milton Harvey Mabry (b. Pickens County, Ala., June 17, 1851, died at Tampa, Fla., March 3, 1919, son of Jesse Hughes Mabry and Sarah Caroline Prude), at Verona, Miss. He moved to Florida in 1879; was Lieut. Governor of Florida 1884-88; Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida, 1891-1903. Issue: 1. Giddings Eldon Mabry, b. 10-08-1877;
m. 1906, Mabel Robey.
2. Jesse Hughes Mabry, b. 7-30-1879;
m. 1903, 1st , Elizabeth Boatwright;
m. 1918, 2nd, Eleanor Cook.
3. George Mabry, b. about 1881
4. John Bramlitt Mabry, b. about 1883; d. Dec. 1909
5. Mattie Mabry, b. about 1885; died in infancy.
6. Milton Harvey Mabry, Jr. b. 6-26-1888;
m. 1907, Gertrude Emma Dean.
7. Kate Mabry, b. about 1889; died in infancy.
8. Capt. Dale Mabry, b. 3-22-1891; d. 2-21-1922.
(killed on dirigible "Roma" at Norfolk, Va.)
9. Eloise Mabry, b. 6-10-1893;
m. 1916, Taver Bayly.